Wednesday, December 16, 2009

CRUCIBLE: Character Analysis

Ashley Ducrepin
AP English 11 – Mr. George
Character Analysis

Mary Warren is a soft-spoken young girl who lacks the ability to think and speak for herself and is ultimately easily swayed by anyone.

Mary Warren is a follower. With an obsequious persona, Mary is easily swayed and dictated by others. Contrary to Abigail’s authoritative tone, Mary is much more timid, specifically when she is speaking: “Mary Warren, with a trembling, decayed voice” (Miller 56). Even after being falsely accused of witchcraft, Mary was incapable of defending herself efficiently. After denying seeing spirits, the court wondered why she fainted and she exclaimed, in between sobs, that she was simply pretending. Mary Warren was unable to pretend for the court, however as soon as Abigail and the girls allegedly began seeing spirits, Mary also chimed in: “Mary, as though infected, opens her mouth and screams with [Abigail and the girls]. Gradually Abigail and the girls leave off, until only Mary is left there, staring up at the ‘bird’, screaming madly” (118). It is evident that no threatening bird was present; this demonstrates Mary Warren’s ineptness and inability to think for herself.

Mary Warren is like the rodent called a Lemming. Lemmings tend to fall to their death when migrating in large groups as a result of following one another. They ultimately follow one another to death similar to Mary carelessly following Abigail and the group of girls. While she does not fall to her death, Mary definitely falls into the wrath of Abigail, Proctor, and the court.

Mary Warren is like Patrick Star, Spongebob’s sidekick, because they both lack the ability to efficiently make individual decisions and ultimately look to their ring leader for assistance.

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