Sunday, December 13, 2009

CRUCIBLE: 113-127

"Mary, as though infected, opens her mouth and screams with them. Gradually Abigail and the girls leave off, until only Mary is left there, staring up at the "bird", screaming madly" (118).

Initially, Mary vehemently and assertively denied Abby's claims and accusations. Then, out of a sudden, she becomes petrified and joins the girls in their screams. It makes no sense and it almost seems as though Abigail possesses supernatural powers. I believe Abigail is like Wormwood [from the Screwtape Letters], she is being directed and mentored by the Devil to corrupt the lives of everyone residing in that village. In a literal sense, Abigal obviously is not supernatural but her abilities prove to be more than impressive.

PARRIS: "Tonight I discover my - my strongbox is broke into ... thirty-one pound is gone. I am penniless" (126).

Parris is a character to be laughed at. I don't pity him for his loss and noone else certainly does. Immediately after telling everybody, Danforth calls him a "brainless man" (126). This is true, Parris is an idiot but Danforth is in no place to be calling someone dumb. He was the same man he fell for Abigail's little games and pitied her. It is practically his (and the court's) fault that she has run away with her uncle's money and boat. The court gave her too much power and she is slowly becoming corrupted by it. Until they realize that, the town will continue to be fooled by Abigail's behavior.

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