Thursday, January 8, 2009

Othello - 3.4

"I do attend here on the general/And think it no addition, nor my wish,/To have him see me womaned" (Cassio. 3.4.190-193).

Like we discussed earlier, we see more & more of Cassio's loyal personality. Here, instead of going with his girlfriend (who he loves) he'd rather make things right with Othello. He even says he doesn't want Othello to see him with his woman & though that sounds like a good idea, it's actually not. Just like Desdemona, his timing is horrible! Given the fabricated relationship Othello has established between the two, Cassio being with a girl would make things better.

Is there a reason why Cassio's love affair with Bianca is a secret?

catechize: to instruct orally by means of questions and answers. (3.4.16)

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