Monday, October 5, 2009

Examples of Each Fallacy

HASTY GENERALIZATION - Joe and his friends never participate in gym class and it because they don't know how to play.
STEREOTYPE - Black people are ghetto.
CAUSE AND EFFECT - I scratched the side of your car, because you went to a horrible driving school.
ONLY CAUSE - If we extended the school year, less teenagers would drop out of school.
FALSE ANALOGY - Like the airplane above them, the track team soared across the horizon.
ATTACKING THE PERSON - Your ideas of imposing new laws into the Constitution is invalid, because you break the laws everyday.
EITHER-OR - Either pray to God everyday or rot in Hell.
NON-SEQUITUR - The gas tank is half full, however the tank is not full so we cannot go to the Party.
CIRCULAR REASONING - Barack Obama should be President, he's African American. We've never had an African American President and he has a good sense of humor.

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