Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Native Son - pg. 141-163

"He wanted to take as long as possible in order to see that look of complete absorption upon her [Bessie's] face. It made him feel alive and gave him a heightened sense of the value of himself" (143).

I feel like Bessie plays a major role in this novel but most importantly in Bigger's life. She is one of the few people that express to him that she loves him. Naturally, he takes pride in that and wants to take advantage of her. He is taunting her here because it gives him the upperhand, thus making him worth more than he's depicted as. While everyone else in society makes Bigger feel horrible, Bessie is the one that makes him feel good. She is naive and Bigger is fascinated at that because he can make himself believe that he is actually worth something.

It's Bigger's words against Jan (a white man). Does he really have a chance?

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