Wednesday, March 10, 2010

DG: Pg. 47-64

"'Faithfulness is to the emotional life what consistency is to the life of the intellect - simply a confession of failure'" (53).

Here is another one of Lord Henry's philosophical and enlightening concepts. Despite his obscure way of thinking, it is apparent as to why he is so appealing and influential to Dorian. At first this correlation Lord Henry made did not make sense but it is actually true. In our society today, we observe the increasing divorce and school drop-out rates. Therefore, his idea was not only true back then but it is also still true today. He is very smart and his unique way of thinking will definitely be a deciding factor in regards to Dorian Gray's fate.

"Certainly few people had ever interested him so much as Dorian Gray, and yet the lad's mad adoration of someone else caused him not the slightest pang of annoyance or jealousy. He was pleased by it. It made him a more interesting study" (61).

Initially, it seemed as if Lord Henry was jealous of Dorian's new found love. When Lord Henry found out where Dorian was spending his evenings, he immediately stated, 'that is the reason, I suppose, that you never dine with me now' (58). This statement implied that he was a bit jealous of the fact that Dorian would rather spend time fantasizing over an actress than spend time dining with him. However, this implication was refuted and Lord Henry's further interest in Dorian is clear. Dorian stated that if it hadn't been for Lord Henry, he would have never met the actress, Sibyl Vane. Thus, it is natural as to why Lord Henry's interest for Dorian has increased. Dorian is equivalent to a sponge and Lord Henry is the water that Dorian continues to absorb and hold. Lord Henry is fascinated by it, because he has never met someone so easy to influence. Like I said before, Lord Henry will continue to be that voice in Dorian's head, ultimately deciding his fate.

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