Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Scarlet Letter Pg. 185-211

"Pearl put up her mouth, and kissed the scarlet letter too!" (190).

Although Pearl does not know what the scarlet letter represents, her kiss to the letter demonstrates her attraction to evil. The scarlet letter is ultimately an embodiment of sin and evil and here Pearl is kissing it. It is scary that Pearl has become accustom to the letter to the point where she throws a fit when her mother takes it off: "[she] suddenly burst into a fit of passion, gesticulating violently and throwing her small figure into the most extravagant contortions. She accompanied this wild outbreak with piercing shrieks" (189). Most kids have temper tantrums because they want candy but Pearl is crying out because her mother removes the dreadful letter. Pearl's reaction shows that this letter, unfortunately, defines her as a person.

"He seemed to stand apart, and eye this former self with scornful, pitying, but half-envious curiosity. That self was gone. Another man had returned out of the forest: a wiser one, with a knowledge of hidden mysteries" (200).

Apparently, Dimmesdale ha smade a transformation and i think Hester has everything to do with it. Throughout the time he spent with CHillingworth, Dimmesdale seemed to be more miserable than ever the more time he spent with Chillingworth. Since Hester told him of Chillingworth's plan, Dimmesdale has become alert and wiser and now knows what to expect from his worst enemy. I think this will improve his attitude a lot more in the future.

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