Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monte Cristo - Dantes=God

Ashley Ducrepin
AP English – Mr. George
Count of Monte Cristo Notes

Dantès playing the role of God throughout the text:

According to most religions, bible verses teach us that God does see when we do right, when we remain pure and follow His ways. Therefore, those who are good people and live by the Lord’s standards shall be rewarded.
“he that cometh to God must believe that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6; King James Version).

In connection to the Count of Monte Cristo, Dantès can be seen as a rewarding God.
Just as the Lord works though other people, Dantès used the disguise known as Sinbad the Sailor to help Monsiuer Morrel. M. Morrel was a good man and Dantès also believed good men should be rewarded. Knowing that Morrel’s in debt, Dantès uses the money he has just discovered to pay off Morrel’s debts. Dantès, still incognito, says to himself “‘Be happy, noble heart. May you [Monsieur Morrel] be blessed for all the good you have done and will do hereafter’” (187).
Because of his wealth, he is able to determine Monsieur Morrel’s happiness. Dantès has the authority to determine whether one deserves to be happy or not, just as the Lord has that power.

The bible also refers to those who choose not to follow the Lord; those who decide to go against the Lord shall be punished. This specific group of people includes those who make bad decisions and perform dreadful actions. Danglars is considered one of those people, and though it should be in god’s hands on how he should be punished, Dantès handles it himself.
He manipulates Danglars stating that “A man of Danglars’ type requires to be overwhelmed, not merely pinpricked” (258). It’s almost as if Dantès designed Danglars himself, since he knows exactly what to say to make him believe in anything. What the Lord (or Dantès) giveth, he shall taketh away. When Monte Cristo talks about how worthless a million dollars is to him, Danglars was overwhelmed and he agreed to give the Count six million dollars. In the meantime, the Count sits back and watches Danglar’s wife spend his money like it’s nothing. In the end, Danglars becomes broke and Dantès gets Luigi to kidnap him. Dantès gets the last laugh.
Danglars is punished.

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