Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Native Son - pg.242-270

"They keep us bottled up here like wild animals" (249).

This is the first time that this statement has been mentioned in the novel. We've already discussed this and we believe this statement that Bigger is thinking supports the claim that Bigger's actions were all caused by his environment. These black people are basically locked up in one area of Chicago where they have little or no privileges/opportunities. They can barely get enough food to eat at night. So when they're hungry and haven't eaten for days, they are going to do whatever it takes to get something to eat. The government who put them in this impossible position leave them no choice. If the society is going to label and treat them as wild animals then they are going to exhibit actions that may portray them as animals.

Will the rest of the Blacks feelings of hatred towards Bigger change possibly to sympathy?

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