Monday, September 20, 2010

Essential Question #2

What are a hero's social obligations?

Heroes are socially obligated to set an example for their society. While heroes are entitled to make mistakes at times, they must also work to creating a positive reputation or image for themselves. Without these particular credentials, a figure can often be overlooked and ultimately not even be considered a hero. The famous philosopher Socrates stated that “The only way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear”. Therefore, it is important that people who are considered heroes do not solely rely on their heroic actions for recognition. In addition, heroes are also obligated to be martyrs. This does not necessarily mean that all heroes must die in order for them to be considered heroic. It simply means that heroes must be courageous enough to accept the fact that they may lose their life during a mission. All feelings of fear, apprehension, and selfishness must go out the window when one takes on the role of a hero. Feelings such as fear and/or apprehension are ultimately a hindrance to a hero’s mission. They are emotions that often cloud one’s judgment; therefore, a hero must rid themselves of anything that may cause this. These are the characteristics that separate the average Joe from a hero, and if one can fulfill these obligations, then they can be a hero.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Essential #1

The divisions we have created in our society cross social, economical, and racial boundaries. We have been unknowingly conditioned to alienate those who don't comply with the standards set by the environment around us. Divisions are present in issues such as homosexuality where homosexuals are viewed as stains on our nation. Because of this erroneous notion set forth, we have excluded homosexuals from the human right to join in matrimony, ultimately dividing our society through social inequality. Discrimination is extremely common and ultimately, a main cause of the divisions present today. While racial discrimination is not as intense as is was decades ago, it is still an issue that thickens that wall of division. For example, people of color tend to have a lot more difficulty obtaining a position of merit compared to their Caucasian counterparts. As a whole, we have inadvertently adopted the motto 'Survival of the Fittest' in our lives. In turn, we have created a capitalist society where division sprouts from as well. We refuse to promote equality among all citizens and would rather continue to work solely and selfishly towards benefiting ourselves. While the middle and low class workers work hard and get nowhere, the higher class continues to obtain more wealth than is necessary. Not only does this create division, but it also brings about hostility between the two classes. In the end, it is our complacency and our decision to conform to standards set forth by society that creates division around us, and perpetuates it as well.